The benefits
Find proficient employees
Decrease the turnover rate
Work ethic
A turnkey solution
The rate of active persons in the population of Québec has been in a free fall for years, and of course this trend has significant effects on many businesses.
The aging of the population combined with vigorous economic growth can give recruiters headaches. They must find skilled, qualified and trustworthy workers to support the growth of their business in a diminishing pool.
Employers having difficulty recruiting
CPQ Survey, february 2017
It is in this context that international recruitment makes perfect sense and becomes a powerful growth engine for companies ready to explore this new market.
By recruiting in a population pool where specialized candidates are trained with the latest technology, and where the work ethic is highly valued within the culture, we make sure to find the candidate who will bring the performance and stability to your group of employees.
As international recruiters, our role is to make your offshore and overseas recruiting experience as easy and intuitive as possible. That is why throughout the process, we take care of everything from recruitment as such, to the integration of the worker in Quebec, as well as the paperwork. The result for you is a simple, easy and turnkey experience.
Filipino worker retention rate with our customers
EIMT success rate
Des avantages à saisir
Le recrutement international est une solution beaucoup plus simple et accessible qu'il peut paraitre et elle comporte de nombreux avantages pour vous et votre entreprise.
Nos services sont conçus pour vous rendre l'expérience fluide, facile et sans tracas. Nous sommes là, du début jusqu'à l'arrivée du travailleur dans votre entreprise... et même après!